Misc News

June 29, 2008 at 7:02 pm | Posted in Misc Norway | Leave a comment

I decided to change my template, even though I love the other one, as I wanted my pictures to get the bigger part of your attention. πŸ˜‰ I’m giving the attention they deserve, regardless whether anyone would drop by here or not.

Also, I have started a new blog, mainly due my worries for my friends who’ll still be in the UK but can’t call me up whenever they don’t know what to do with their cooking. πŸ˜‰ Not intending to boast that I’m a great cook. It’s just that my family trained me thoroughly with the know-hows on turning the taste of your food around to how you want it to taste like. I’ll pepper it with the recipes that I love, silly things and all. It’s at http://sillysustenance.wordpress.com/ It really is silly, just like me πŸ˜‰

No idea whether I should blog again, to be honest. Once bitten twice shy, as people usually say. We’ll see how…

And hey, what’s up with deleting my comments on branding? Is someone hurt? Or can’t face what I was saying is true or just don’t want to embarrass yourself in your 100 hits a day blog? Might show to your many readers that hey, you’re not that knowledgeable after all?

I intend to not let anyone know who you are. You know who you are; and since you deleted my comment… I take it as a sign that you play dirty. However, there’s quite a few people whom I know who has read my comment there… I wouldn’t try embarrass you on your blog by posting the comment again. After all, it is, in a way, a comment on your blog’s name and on your use of English… Malaysian English is not really standardized English like British English and American English… And since you require Malay men to speak fluent English… I suggest that you follow your own advice. I see grammatical errors in your blog. Still, I detected grammatical errors in Kam Raslan’s Confession of an Old Boy: The Dato’ Hamid’s Adventures… And he had an editor. People make mistakes, I know I know!! Still, no harm pointing it out, right? After all, one should learn from their mistakes. Not try to hide it from people.

Just for the heck of it; Faliq: Damn the 43.125 πŸ˜›

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